Good afternoon..
Dear, brothers and
sisters who are here. Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.
First of all I would like to thank all of you for the
time I have been placed for this short listening.
The theme I'm going to present today is about
globalization in the economy and its causes and impacts.
As the times progressed, human needs grew. To meet these
needs, each country engages in bilateral, regional and international
cooperation. Examples of benefits that can be obtained from this globalization,
among others, domestic traders can export goods merchandise abroad so that more
profits are gained and also increase the country's foreign exchange. However,
behind the various advantages, there are also disadvantages, such as small
companies that die because of intense competition, and also the number of
people become unemployed or just become workers because companies are looking
for more experienced foreign workers.
Therefore, in order for Indonesia not only to become a
globalization market but also to be a globalization, it is necessary to make
good improvements in technology, education, etc. in order to produce better and
qualified workforce.
So many short speeches from me. If there is a mistake of
the word either intentional or unintentional I apologize as much as possible.
wr. Wb